Cloud dough is crumbly yet mouldable, and is a great alternative to playdoh. It’s super easy to make yourself, and can be adapted to suit different scents and flavours (taste safe, but don’t eat it all!).
Hot chocolate cloud dough
- 3 cups of flour
- 3/4 cup of vegetable oil
- 1/4 cup cocoa powder
Sugar cookie cloud dough
- 3 cups of flour
- 3/4 cup of vegetable oil
- 2tsp vanilla extract
- Sprinkles
Mix ingredients together in a bowl using your hands. You should be able to grab a chunk of the mixture and mould it and have it hold. If not, you may need more oil (alternatively, if it’s too wet you can add some more flour).
The real fun of cloud dough comes with the play time set up. I raided both my own pantry cupboards and the play kitchen for bits and pieces to inspire play. Add some plastic cups, teaspoons and marshmallows to the hot chocolate bin, and throw in some measuring spoons, patty pans and baking tools to the sugar cookie bin.