One thing that is always great to have on hand is a sensory box. They don't have to be complex, but something that will occupy little hands and minds for an hour or so is very useful! Here are 3 DIY sensory boxes I've created for our playroom that are already on high rotation.
Christmas Time: Paper Plate Trees
Paper plate Christmas trees are a great way to get creative with your kids paintings! Set up paper plates to be painted instead of paper, and let them paint away. Then with a few snips of the scissors plus a few decorations, you have yourself a Christmas tree!
Christmas Time: Sensory Snow Play
Did you know there is a super quick and easy way to make fake snow, perfect for sensory play? Using just two ingredients, you can make a quick, fluffy snow that kids just want to touch and play with!
Christmas Time: Santa Spotters
Help your children spot Santa in the sky on Christmas Eve with these cute DIY Santa spotters! A fun way to remember the great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020, use those empty rolls to make some binoculars and let your kids decorate as they please. Hang them on your tree until Christmas Eve!
Christmas Time: Peppermint Rice Christmas Sensory Play
Sensory rice play is great for young kids of all ages, as they all explore it differently. This twist on a traditional sensory rice kit includes peppermint scented rice, some Christmas decorations to play with and homemade scoops to keep things simple.
Christmas Time: DIY Snowglobes
Children's Christmas ornaments are always a fun keepsake to look back on, especially when it involves an element that reminds you of how small they were! These snowglobes are a heap of fun to add to your mantle and will be a great memento in the years to come.
Christmas Time: Reindeer Biscuits
Baking with kids can sometimes be more stressful than it is worth. That's why super simple "baking" activities like these reindeer biscuits are my favourite! It gets the kids involved but there is minimal mess and it's easy to do.
Christmas Time: Hot Chocolate Sugar Cookie Sensory Box
Cloud dough is crumbly yet mouldable, and is a great alternative to playdoh. It's super easy to make yourself, and can be adapted to suit different scents and flavours.
Christmas Time: Gingerbread playdoh
Put a spin on your traditional playdoh mix and make some gingerbread playdoh! Perfect for little people to pretend baking cookies, this is a great addition to any play kitchens or just get it out on the kitchen bench while you're cooking and let them join in.
Christmas Time: Fizzy Presents
Fizzy Christmas Presents is a great science activity to do with the kids! Watch as they learn about the reaction between vinegar and bicarb soda, and find some hidden surprises.