
The Toddler Tub: my emergency car kit

Recently I got talking to some mums about messy play with toddlers, and we agreed that generally, we’re happy to let our kids go for it. The one disclaimer on this, was that we let them go for it – WHEN WE ARE PREPARED!!

This made me realise, that while I’ve got plenty of “kid stuff” in my car, I really wasn’t prepared for some of the highly likely “messy” scenarios I will face while out and about with my toddler. Enter “The Toddler Tub”!

I’ve now compiled a tub of all my toddler essentials that will live in our car boot, enabling me to embrace living in the moment knowing that I’m prepared for the clean up afterwards. I thought I’d share what I’ve pulled together and how I’ll be storing it, and see if you think I’ve missed anything!

My 10 Toddler Tub essentials:

1. Nappy change

My nappy change set up includes 2 nappies, a sample pack of wipes, nappy bags and a change mat. This all gets folded up within the change mat and is ready to go for any emergency changes.

2. Baby wipes

There is very little the humble baby wipe can’t do. A pack of these is essential in every car to wipe sticky hands and dirty faces, or to try and save clothing when you’ve noticed a stain!

3. Antibacterial wipes

In this day and age, antibacterial is essential. While I carry hand sanitizer in my handbag, these antibacterial wipes are handy for disinfecting hands, wiping over grazed knees, or even wiping down a table before sitting down to eat.

4. Tissues

There is nothing worse than being stuck without a tissue! Little purse packs are easy to store and mean you’ll never get caught short.

5. First aid kit

An essential in any car, regardless of whether you have kids or not. Ours has antiseptic cream, bandaids, bandages, disposable gloves, a face mask and first aid scissors.

6. Change of clothes

I bought a cheap tshirt and pair of shorts (a size too big) to store in the box, alongside some socks in case of any cold feet!

7. Blanket

Great to have on hand in case of chilly car rides, a makeshift picnic blanket, or even an emergency towel if needed!

8. Hat

Sun protection is essential and while we usually remember a hat, it’s great to have a spare in the car for unexpected outings or forgotten or lost hats.

9. Towel

I keep a “gym towel” in the boot – it’s smaller than a regular towel, but super absorbent and quick dry. Useful for drying off wet children, cleaning up dirty feet, or even wiping down wet playground equipment!

10. Baby powder

A little trick I learned – clean sandy feet quickly and easily by sprinkling baby powder over them and rubbing it in. The sand falls off and no gritty bits are left stuck between the toes.

So there you have it – all the essentials to make life with a toddler that bit easier while out and about! I hope this helps you to set up your own toddler tub, or perhaps make a few tweaks if your kids are a bit older.